Mixing art & innovation
Our state-of-the-art facility is a marvel to be sure: It’s big. It’s spotless. And it’s amazing (if we do say so ourselves). But it’s all for naught, if we have to sacrifice our process and our passion.

The first step toward making great bread is making sure everything – and everyone – is squeaky clean. If you want to get in the door, whether it’s for work or a tour, you’ll be treated from head to toe in the the latest food safety technology:
Check your sense of fashion at the door, because the first thing you’ll get is a stylish hairnet.
We hope you look good in white, because everyone dons a fresh lab coat. Don’t worry, one size fits all.
After a hand-washing that would make a surgeon blush, you’ll be subject to our space-age, hands-free sanitizing station.
Hold onto a handrail, because the final step is a walk through our custom shoe scrubbing thing-a-ma-bob.
Enjoy your visit!
But don’t take it from us. Take it from the Safe Quality Food Institute. They gave us the prized rating of “Excellent” when they audited our facility. Turns out Stuyver’s meets – and in many cases even exceeds – the standards set for our industry. SQFI provides food safety guidelines and quality certification for a variety of industries around the world.
Visit the SQF website